Grandmother defined
Pronunciation key: (grndmthr, grn-), n. the mother of one's father or mother; a female ancestor.

I first became a grandmother 3 years ago. Arkin came into my life with animation or a surreal existence that was hard to fathom. I just couldn't believe the reality of his entity in my world when I thought I was still becoming of life myself. It was plain simple to conclude that I was just too young to be a grandma. But despite this bewilderment there also remains the fact that I gave life to a son during that time when I still had some of my wisdom teeth and baby fat. Hence, analogous to being a young and inexperienced mother to Rael 23 years ago, I am now, at 41 years of age, a budding and optimistically a promising or blossoming grandmother to Arkin and - just recently on the 13th Sept, 2005 – to newcomer Baby Serrah Rafael.

Grandmother can be becoming. Age alone does not define this salutation and neither does genealogy. This monumental designation to my quintessence is marked by the sunrises of my dawns when the existence of my grandchildren precedes all the possible rousing factors of my usual mornings. To exemplify this simile, their breaths would smell a million times better than my customary brewing coffee.