From Whimsical to Erratic
What a long break, huh? A very dear friend of mine (who's a very disciplined blogger) never fails to query my blogging status. My monkey-babe - almost always the subject of my journaling and poems - tries to motivate me to keep my writings regular. I keep 3 journals and an assortment of pens and pencils at elbows. Ideas, thoughts, and love affairs of the mind are always attributable to put one entry after another. Still, I let a month and a half pass. In that period, a long line-up of events, scenarios, vacations, sexcapades, depressions, awakenings, resolutions, dahdahdah, etcetera should have been narrated and recounted. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. What can I say except I am guilty as a muted writer.
Here are some wanderings, wonderings, and musings...
What a long break, huh? A very dear friend of mine (who's a very disciplined blogger) never fails to query my blogging status. My monkey-babe - almost always the subject of my journaling and poems - tries to motivate me to keep my writings regular. I keep 3 journals and an assortment of pens and pencils at elbows. Ideas, thoughts, and love affairs of the mind are always attributable to put one entry after another. Still, I let a month and a half pass. In that period, a long line-up of events, scenarios, vacations, sexcapades, depressions, awakenings, resolutions, dahdahdah, etcetera should have been narrated and recounted. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. What can I say except I am guilty as a muted writer.
Here are some wanderings, wonderings, and musings...
- On board Alaska Airlines en route San Jose, CA, we made a stop in Portland. This was 6:30 in the morning when we skidded the runway. Ninety nine percent of the passengers from Anchorage had this stop as their final destination, while the remaining one per cent (myself, my daughter, and another Alaskan-dressed passenger) were roused from sleep. I thought I was dreaming when I noticed a different brand of commercial flyers come onboard. Whiffing an assortment of aromas from after-shave, hairsprays, brand perfumes, to softener on starched shirts, I soon realized we were in the company of metrosexual people! For the first time in a very long time, I could see a man's upper lip and chin. Women wore dark wool skirts and nice leather high heels. The person across had a Palm, a cellphone w/cam, his IBM notebook, and a portable DVD player - all hooked on him. He smelled of Armani, too. Soon enough, Paula and I knew we had left The Last Frontier and were on our way to Urbanite planet.
- While my daughter decided to get the jester hat, I chose a Bob Marley bonnet from this colorful shop at Pier 39, San Francisco Wharf.
Our touristy exploits on that fateful Thursday served our purpose of seeing and feeling a little bit of San Francisco. We missed on the Alcatraz, but at least we saw Aunt Wilhelmina's Windmill (sheesh).
- While my daughter decided to get the jester hat, I chose a Bob Marley bonnet from this colorful shop at Pier 39, San Francisco Wharf.

Our touristy exploits on that fateful Thursday served our purpose of seeing and feeling a little bit of San Francisco. We missed on the Alcatraz, but at least we saw Aunt Wilhelmina's Windmill (sheesh).

Credit to this eventful excursion went to my eccentric Uncle "Unc" Tony. But, hey, I walked about a yard of the Golden Gate and even posed for a picture!
- 'GS' - Abbreviation for Garage Sales. My Aunt Luz's house is a museum of other-people's-old-stuff. This woman who makes a good living managing a nursing home spends her Saturday mornings at strangers' garages and yards. I was even gifted with a microwave from a GS purchase. She has a chestful of treasures in her heart (not to mention her storeroom).
- I went overboard inside a Victoria Secret store and spent 500 dollars worth of underwear and lingerie that I'd wear for a good 5 minutes before any of it is peeled off my body. Thank credit card companies and a paying hubby.
- Wonderfully, my monkey and I climbed the summit of pleasure. This third time round was better than the last. We just keep getting better. I taught him a new word in Filipino in exchange for the impetus to be bare and beautiful (of which) he's given me. Fuschia now has a new meaning in my personal life.
- I sat on both sides of my teeter-totter; one after the other, and back. My emotions lost its balance as I went up, then slid down, and later rose up again. The fulcrum that balanced this see-saw maintained the weight of temperament through his love, tenderness and affection. I only love him even more.
Life has been good despite the periodic looming clouds. Love abounds.
- 'GS' - Abbreviation for Garage Sales. My Aunt Luz's house is a museum of other-people's-old-stuff. This woman who makes a good living managing a nursing home spends her Saturday mornings at strangers' garages and yards. I was even gifted with a microwave from a GS purchase. She has a chestful of treasures in her heart (not to mention her storeroom).
- I went overboard inside a Victoria Secret store and spent 500 dollars worth of underwear and lingerie that I'd wear for a good 5 minutes before any of it is peeled off my body. Thank credit card companies and a paying hubby.
- Wonderfully, my monkey and I climbed the summit of pleasure. This third time round was better than the last. We just keep getting better. I taught him a new word in Filipino in exchange for the impetus to be bare and beautiful (of which) he's given me. Fuschia now has a new meaning in my personal life.
- I sat on both sides of my teeter-totter; one after the other, and back. My emotions lost its balance as I went up, then slid down, and later rose up again. The fulcrum that balanced this see-saw maintained the weight of temperament through his love, tenderness and affection. I only love him even more.
Life has been good despite the periodic looming clouds. Love abounds.
Whatever happens, nothing's ever going to be the same,
Now you'll find me here at last,
Your love's released me from the past,
My heart and soul have always remembered your name
- Sweet Reunion by Kenny Loggins
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